...Introduces The Royal Postal Bazaar

This album can be purchased through PayPal for $6.49. With this purchase, you receive a very snazzy CD with cover art and a jewel case. You will also receive a gift. It will not be stupid.
Alternative options:
Download the entire album in a tidy, compressed format. (mirror)
Stream the entire album.
Download this album free of swearing.
Download single tracks below (an asterisk denotes recommended tracks):
- 01. 100 Greatest Robberies in History (*)
- 02. Magnavox Room
- 03. Hinge, Door, et cetera (*)
- 04. Couch
- 05. Paperboy
- 06. Cancel
- 07. Hubble (*)
- 08. College Girls (*)
- 09. Explain
- 10. Baby Food
- 11. markruok

This recording is licensed under a Creative Commons license (for ladies), and is hosted on