
Lyrics touch on topics including but not limited to: Telescopes, televisions, robberies, jealousy, debt, criminal investigations, schizophrenia, newspapers, civil engineering, fires, distrust, work, insects, and love.

Music includes elements of: Traditional finger picking, non-traditional finger picking, bouncy melodic bass lines, rowdy drums, 7th chords, descending half-steps, and vocal harmonies.

Fun Facts:

Here are some interesting and true facts about Portable Folk Band.

  • 2005 deer tick count: 5.
  • 50% of Portable Folk Band live in the same house.
  • 75% of Portable Folk Band live within 50 feet of each other.
  • 50% of Portable Folk Band is not taller than 5'6".
  • 25% of Portable Folk Band is girl.
  • 75% of Portable Folk Band is boy.
  • 0% of Portable Folk Band share a bed, middle name, or physical ailment.